Search Result: COVID


3 tips to build Facebook group engagement

As many of us have learned through the COVID-19 crisis, engagement should be your association’s primary goal. With over 1.7 billion daily users, what better way to reach your audience than through Facebook? Last week, hosted a workshop on building online engagement through the use of Facebook groups. Led by moderator Anthony Shop, Jennifer […]


Pandemic pods, virtual volunteerism and more are popular headlines this week

Recognizing your association’s areas for growth, virtual volunteerism and understanding how your association can utilize pandemic pods are the topics association professionals are reading this week. Every week, we pull five articles our audience liked most from our newsletters to keep up with what’s trending. How do we come up with this list? We look […]


10 tips for overcoming imposter syndrome

Juliet Meeks, an artist and designer based out of New Orleans, recently posted on Instagram a touching look into the emotions she sometimes feels as an artist and business owner. She described feeling the self-doubt so common with professionals who deal with imposter syndrome, but I did not realize how prevalent the struggle was until […]


Growing your audience during the pandemic? Yep, it’s possible

Circumstances have definitely changed for all association leaders! Does your new strategy embrace digital? COVID-19 has made physical meetings and events, the mainstay of all association programs, less desirable or even impossible to host in the near future. That is a massive change in circumstance that needs to be addressed in a new strategic plan.  […]


4 ways for your staff to volunteer virtually

Going from an office of 30 to an office of one can really make a dent in the staff camaraderie.  Teams that used to lunch together now Zoom together, and it’s not at all the same thing.  Due to COVID-19, many employees and employers are still working remotely, staring into the void and having conversations […]


How associations can utilize pandemic pods

When scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed this week, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming amount of conversations about “pandemic pods” and if you’re anything like me, you had no idea what those were until recently.  What started with the Micro-School Coalition fighting to transform traditional education into an innovative and personalized learning experience through […]


3 ways to remotely boost your advocacy engagement

Now more than ever, associations are using their voices to stand up for what they believe in. However, one thing has been holding many back: the inability to gather for their causes. With the social distancing measures put into place due to COVID-19 making advocacy efforts more difficult, many associations have turned to social media […]


Want to build a Facebook group? Take our workshop!

When COVID-19 canceled most face-to-face interactions, many organizations began brainstorming how to fill in this engagement gap.  That’s why so many organizations have moved to or doubled down on online communities to connect with their audience. The questions now are how do we successfully run online communities, and is Facebook the best place for them?  […]


How a brand new association got 1.3 million to act

By definition, independent venues figure things out on their own, and they almost never ask for help. But when COVID-19 began spreading across the country, independent venue operators were forced to close their doors on the large groups of people their businesses rely on and realized that, without help, they would not survive. It was […]


Beginning with an industry assessment explaining the importance of failure, and wrapping up with a podcast on hiring mistakes, this week’s Friday 5 is all about the importance of trial and error

Every Friday, we pull five articles our audience liked most from our weekly newsletters to keep up with what’s trending. This week, we’re getting comfortable with personal growth. Whether it’s learning from your mistakes or changing the way your organization is run, this rendition of the Friday 5 teaches us to make change. How do […]