Author: Tirrah Switzer

Product Marketing Manager at Community Brands

Tirrah Switzer has been a value seeking member for over 20 years. She’s been a part of member-based organizations in the capacity of member, membership chair, and board member. In her professional career, she has worked with several non-profit organizations in volunteer management, membership fundraising, individual giving, and program development. Under her strong leadership, Tirrah successfully launched a communication plan, intake steps, and orientation process for developing incoming volunteers resulting in the organization being recognized as one of the top 15 regions in the nation for volunteer metrics in a field of more than 1,000 regions. In her current role as Product Marketing Manager at Community Brands, she is borderline obsessed with keeping up-to-date with industry trends and understanding the challenges associations face.


Build a culture of automation

When we talk about automation, we are typically referring to technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance. I expect most association professionals have at least heard by now how automating repetitive tasks can increase efficiency and help associations better serve their members.  We conduct a lot of studies at […]